Caveman Runner

An Early Endless Runner for iPhone

Caveman Runner: A Forerunner in the Endless Runner Genre

“Caveman Runner” was one of the early pioneers in the endless runner genre, developed specifically for the iPhone and released in 2013. At a time when the App Store was still burgeoning and the term “endless runner” had not yet become commonplace, “Caveman Runner” offered iPhone users a unique and engaging gaming experience.

This project was not only about creating an enjoyable game but also about learning the intricacies of game development from concept to completion. The development process provided valuable insights into maintaining scope to ensure timely completion and taught me the essentials of publishing a game on the App Store.

Development and Learning

Developing “Caveman Runner” was a comprehensive learning experience. The project underscored the importance of keeping the game’s scope manageable, which was crucial for moving from concept to a finished product efficiently. This approach helped avoid common pitfalls many developers face, such as feature creep and unrealistic project timelines.

The process of publishing to the App Store was particularly enlightening. Navigating through Apple’s guidelines, understanding the review process, and optimizing the game for approval taught me the critical steps necessary for successful app submissions. These lessons have been invaluable in all my subsequent mobile game projects.


“Caveman Runner” stands as a testament to early mobile game innovation and a personal milestone in my game development career. It represents a significant step in understanding both the technical and administrative aspects of mobile game production.